The regulations and process of importing vintage cars to India have been updated and streamlined. This article takes a detailed look at importing classic cars into the country, from the procedures involved and approximate costs to the blessings and challenges of owning a vintage vehicle in India.

Understanding Eligibility and Restrictions

Vintage Car Definition:

In the most recent public notices regarding the import of vintage cars, the authorities defined “vintage cars” as cars that are more than 50 years older than their date of original registration. Specifically, to be considered vintage, the cars must remain in the state they were produced in while being imported.

Exemption from Import Duties:

For cars brought in before 1950 for private use, there is a complete exemption from import duties: After extensive lobbying, the Indian authorities promulgated an answer: there would be a total exemption from import duty for cars brought into India before 1950 for private use.

The idea was that importing classics—and thereby helping to preserve automotive heritage—would help restore the elitist image of the car.

Step-by-Step Process for Importing Vintage Cars

1. Finding a Reputable Source

Go to an established car dealer who handles vintage cars and check everything out – look under the hood and the bonnet. Ask to see previous owners’ documents.

2. Ensuring Compliance with Emission Norms

Although vintage cars are exempt from modern emission norms, just like vintage cars in Europe are exempt from Euro emission standards, we have a deadline of 10 years, 2018, for our car from when it was manufactured, to fulfill the necessary Bharat Stage norms. Bharat Stage norms are India’sIndia’s emission standards. If this is met, it becomes easier to import.

3. Preparing Documentation and Certification

Key documents required include:

  • Invoice of the Vehicle: Proof of purchase and value.
  • Insurance Policy: Coverage for the vehicle during shipping.
  • Import License: Authorization to import the car.
  • Bill of Lading: Details of the shipment.
  • GATT Declaration and Bank Draft: Financial and trade documentation.
  • Pre-Import Testing Certification: Ensures the vehicle meets export standards from the country of origin.

4. Shipping the Car

The car must be shipped through one of India’s three ”vested ports”: Mumbai, Chennai, or Kolkata. A shipping agent with experience in transporting vintage cars should handle the details and shipping.

5. Post-Import Testing and Certification

Upon arrival, the car must undergo an inspection by the Central Motor Vehicles Rules at the Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (VRDE) or the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI).

These institutions will issue a No Objection Certificate (NOC), which is required for registration.

6. Registering the Car

Drive it to the nearest Regional Transport Office (RTO) and register it. Registration fees and road taxes are different from import duties. Vintage cars are allowed special registration plates (to differentiate them from regular vehicles).

Costs Involved

Cars made before 1950 are admitted free of import duty. Still, other charges, such as shipping, testing, certification, registration, etc, could push it up by another 125 percent or more, depending on the car’s condition, its value, and the services provided to bring it up to Indian standards. Used cars generally cost from 125 percent to 300 percent plus the car’s value.

Special Considerations for NRIs

Under the ”Transfer of Residence’Residence’ rules, a Non-Resident Indian returning to India can bring in one personal used car, provided that the car was used abroad for at least one year before its import and that the NRI intends to stay in India for at least an additional year after its import.

This provision offers another opportunity for an NRI to bring a part of his life abroad and somehow back home to help him settle down.

Common Challenges

Despite the streamlined process, challenges remain:

Awareness By Enforcement Agencies

Most enforcement offices are not geared up for the new directives, so there is a chance of harassment or confusion. Owners must carry all relevant documents and be prepared to exhibit compliance.

Restrictions of Use

These vintage cars cannot be used for daily commutes and/or commercial usage. They can be driven to shows, color, and for maintenance purposes.

Registration Procedures and Testing Delays

The registration procedure and testing conducted before receiving a No Objection Certificate (NOC) take time. Retaining a seasoned agent or broker can shorten the process considerably.

Benefits of Importing Vintage Cars

Preservation of Heritage

Collectors and tourists buy vintage cars, and keeping them in excellent running condition prevents these valuable objects from ending up as rusting wrecks. This preserves automotive history and culture and helps preserve engineering marvels of the past.

Investment Potential

Classic cars tend to gain value over time, making them a viable investment. The Knight Frank’s Wealth Report found that the returns on classic cars globally over the past decade have been 82 percent.

Community and Passion

Owning a vintage car connects you with a community of other enthusiasts and gives you opportunities to participate in rallies and shows that celebrate automotive history.

Final Thoughts

As detailed above, the recent regulatory landscape attached to importing vintage cars to India has become convenient. However, the successful importation of vintage cars depends on vigilant planning and a detailed process.

To import precious vintage cars in India, one should be aware of the eligibility criteria, documents required, and costs involved. Above all, one should have sound knowledge about the eligibility for a car and provide the required documents. 

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